The Political History of Savromat-Sarmatic Tribes

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Savromats-Sarmatians, Southern Urals, Central Asia, Iron Age, nomadic tribes, written sources.


The territory of Western Kazakhstan was considered an important part of Asia, where nomadic tribes lived from the Bronze Age. The region was located at the crossroads of Asia and Europe, played the role of an intercontinental bridge, and over a number of historical periods was a witness to important historical events. From the Iron Age to the Middle Ages, it was an
important region where many cultures appeared and historical mass migrations of nomads took place. One of the cultures that developed in the region was formed in the Iron Age - the Sauromat- Sarmatian culture. Among researchers, there is still no common opinion about the time when the Sauromat-Sarmatian tribes appeared on the historical arena, about the territory of residence, the chronological framework of culture, and this is undoubtedly one of the important problems that need to be solved. Therefore, we chose these questions as the main goal of our scientific research.
Studying written and archaeological data, we tried to systematically explain the appearance of these tribes in the historical arena, the political history of the tribes. In addition, we examined the stages of life of the Sauromat-Sarmatian tribes, dividing them into four periods and identified the characteristics of cultures.


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