Comparison of the Structure, Themes and Style of Gulten Akin’s Poems “Yaşlanmayan Bir Kadına Türkü” and Fariza Ungarsynova’s “Ayel”

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  • Y. Zhiyenbayev Khoja Akhmet Yassawi International Kazakh-Turkish University
  • Z. Asanova Khoja Akhmet Yassawi International Kazakh-Turkish University


Gulten Akyn, Fariza Ungarsynova, image of a woman, analysis of poetry, social problems.


Well-known are the poetic works of famous women poets of Turkic literature Gulten Akyn and Fariza Ungarsynova. However, these two poets tried to be harbingers of flaws in society, and not to become famous. Although she dealt with personal themes in the early stages of Gulten Akin's poetry, in her later poems she always dealt with social issues. In this regard, Fariza Ungarsynova also described the position of the masses in her poems. The image of a woman occupies a special place in the work of these poets, who lived simultaneously in Kazakh and Turkish literature and touching upon common themes. The aim of the research is to compare the image of a woman in the verses of two poets. In this study, the method of analyzing the text of Professor Sherif Aktash was used. The first part of article, which consists of two parts, tells about the life and literary personality of Gulten Akyn and Fariza Ungarsynova. The second part analyzes the poems of Gulten Akyn “Yaşlanmayan Bir Kadına Türkü” (“Folk Song for an Ageless Woman”) and Fariza Ungarsynova “Ayel” (“Woman”). The article reflects the ideology, structure (personality, time, space), subject matter, language and stylistic features of the poems, compares the similarities and differences of the two poems.


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