Çocuk Edebiyatının Nicel Morfoloji Modeli ve İlkokul Ders Kitapları

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  • K. Moldabek South Kazakhstan State Pedagogical University
  • A. Kuralbayeva Hoca Ahmet Yesevi Uluslararası Türk-Kazak Üniversitesi
  • G. Abdullina Hoca Ahmet Yesevi Uluslararası Türk-Kazak Üniversitesi

Anahtar Kelimeler:

morphology, model, children, literature, textbooks, elementary school.


The article defines a quantitative morphological model of children's literature and primary school textbooks. Quantitative morphological model of children's literature and primary school textbooks in primary school involves intensive development of speech, intellectual, creative abilities of the student, gaining knowledge about the structure and functions of language as a communicative system, the formation of skills and abilities of full, competent use of the richness of the native language in speech practice.
The assimilation of information for teaching and developing a quantitative morphological model of children's literature and primary school textbooks has a great impact on the overall development of students, contributes to the intellectual development of students, creates favorable conditions for the formation of theoretical thinking of children. Allows you to use grammar lessons to master the numerical morphological model of children's literature and elementary school textbooks in elementary school. Traditionally, the problem of continuity and prospects is considered primarily at the level of methods of organizing training at related stages. For primary schools, the emergence of educational standards, changes in the leading learning goals, the predominance of a personality-oriented approach, taking into account the psychological and age-related features of children's development, certain mental functions of various age periods, the possibilities of formation of neoplasms, as well as the role of leading activities in their formation, are of particular importance in building a learning system.



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