Issues Related to Science in the Quran

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  • R. Nauryzbayeva University of Foreign Languages and Professional Career

Anahtar Kelimeler:

scientific and physical analysis, space information and energy system, fields of science, Hikmet, Tafsir, source of learning, object of science.


There is no doubt that a person and a people with a strong spiritual support have a great future. Therefore, the scientific study of the Quran is of great importance. The theoretical foundations of this problem are relevant both in the history of religious studies and the philosophy of religion, as well as in the scientific field of natural science and the humanities. Considering the Islamic worldview from the point of view of the humanities, natural (physical) and other sciences allows young people to delve into all areas of science without understanding religion, the Koran as
a dogmatic Secret doctrine, and initiates becoming a member of a spiritually conscious society.
The article considers The Holy Quran as a divine book based on science, knowledge, teaching and education. The Quran covers all areas of science. In other words, the Quran contains a lot of
information from various fields of science: physics, astronomy, astrophysics, chemistry, biology, mathematics, medicine, Economics, Pedagogy, Psychology, Embryology, Geology, Philosophy, Cultural studies, Natural science, Religious studies, and many others. Therefore, the Quran is a source of inexhaustible science. As science and technology develop, the truth of the Quran is also confirmed. The article notes that the Koran is a real book that has not lost its value over the centuries, its wonders are inexhaustible, useful for the happiness and prosperity of all mankind. The connection between the subject of physics and the topics contained in the Koran, sacred words, verses, and prayers is also considered.


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ҚР Президенті Қ. Тоқаевтың 2 қыркүйек 2019 жылы жария еткен «Сындарлы қоғамдық диалог Қазақстанның тұрақтылығы мен өркендеуінің негізі» атты жолдауы. [Электронды ресурс]. URL:

