Sanat Eserinin Analizi ve Türleri

124 310


Anahtar Kelimeler:

composition, theme, plot, image system composition, compositional techniques, time and space composition.


The article presents clear conclusions that after identifying the materials and foundations related to the history of writing a work of art, it is possible to consider their formation, creation, organization, placement in a literary text, i.e. to differentiate specific types of images in their text, based on concepts such as compositional rearrangement, compositional structure, architectonics, scheme, installation, design, system, structure. The plot structure of the artwork, each image, picture, moment, episode, detail, portrait, landscape, retordation, lyrical digression, monologue and dialogue, a separate word are visual aids that make up the composition. The composition of a literary work is a consistent arrangement and continuity of the depicted subject units and linguistic and artistic techniques, a system of connections of the elements of the work, a sign. The plot is the connection of people in the work with each other, communication, struggle, the development of events in the work. So, the story is not described randomly, but develops in a certain order. One event is its cause, the other is its result. Composition is present in all works, because without composition, the work loses its artistic value. The composition also combines things that go beyond the plot, i.e. it is a broader concept than the plot. The article explains the approaches and methods of step-by-step analysis of the structure of the work, provides an analysis by examples.

