A. Baytursınov’un Örneklerinin Eğitimdeki Önemi

1000 694


Anahtar Kelimeler:

I.A. Krylov, fable, A. Baitursynov, «Kyryk Mysal», translation, education, morality, behaviors, disadvantage.


Akhmet Baitursynov is an outstanding personality who occupies a special place in the civil history and spiritual and cultural life of the Kazakh people. His whole life is an example of selfless service to his people. He grew up seeing and knowing the cruelty and violence of Tsarist
Russia. The fact that the Kazakh people were backward without proper education and science, as
well as their low social status prompted the poet to serve for the good of his nation. First, he studied
at a two-year Russian-Kazakh school in the city of Turgai, then graduated from a teacher's school in
Orenburg. From 1895 to 1909, he worked as a teacher in the Kazakh-Russian schools of Aktobe,
Kostanay, Karkaralinsky districts, and then as a director at the Karkaraly city school. Along with
teaching, he translates the fables of I.A. Krylov into the Kazakh language. These translated fables of
A. Baitursynov were first published in a book in St. Petersburg under the title «Kyryk Mysal». The
article deals with the educational meaning of the content of A. Baitursynov's fables. «Forty Fables»
by I. Krylov, which the poet translated, is an ingeniously original creation that educates not only
Kazakhs for good morals, but all of humanity as a whole. In his translations, A. Baitursynov,
exposing, illustrates various shortcomings, ignorance and prejudices of man and society through a
description of the relationship and actions of animals. The poet urges people to avoid and get rid of
various ignorant actions and habits. In his poems and translations, the poet reveals the shortcomings
and flaws of the Kazakh people, criticizes and exposes them. The poet's task is to awaken people
from ignorance and darkness, from all kinds of shortcomings and raise their people to the level of
educated countries. The article reveals the educational value and content of the fables of
A. Baitursynov.



