İlkokulda Matematiksel Kavramların Anlaşılmasını Geliştirmek İçin Video Destekli Hikaye Kitaplarının Geliştirilmesi

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Anahtar Kelimeler:

picture, storybook, concept, understanding, fractions.


This study aims to develop a video-assisted picture storybook to improve the understanding of mathematics concepts for fourth-grade elementary school students. The type of research conducted is research and development (R&D). Data collection techniques are used in the form of tests, observations, interviews, and documentation. The data sources or subjects in this study were 76 fourth grade students of Primary School Number Gugus Yos Sudarso, Pulokulon District, Grobogan Regency consisting of 25 fourth grade students of Public Primary School Number 1 Pulokulon as the control class, and 24 fourth grade students of Public Primary School Number 2 Pulokulon, and 27 class students. Public Primary School Number 3 Pulokulon IV as the experimental class. The types of data obtained are quantitative and qualitative data. The data analysis used is descriptive quantitative. The results of this study are video-assisted picture storybooks according to the needs of teachers and students in questionnaire recapitulation that the level of need for video-assisted picture storybooks is high with a student answer score of 84.67%, and a teacher's response of 86.67%. The developed book was tested for feasibility with the results of expert validation being in the appropriate category with details of the average score of linguists of 3.07, material experts of 2.94, and media experts of 3.17. The results of the effectiveness test were tested by an independent t-test in the experimental class and the control class showed a significance of <0.05, i.e. 0.000, thus Ha was accepted and H0 was rejected, meaning that there were differences in understanding the concept of fractions between students who took part in learning using picture storybooks. video-assisted and students who are not. Based on the results of the study, it was concluded that video-assisted picture books were effectively used to improve the understanding of fractions concepts for fourth-grade elementary school students.



