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  • А. KUZDEUBAYEVA Khoja Akhmet Yassawi International Kazakh-Turkish University
  • S. ZHAKAEVA A. Baitursynov Kostanay State University
  • S. SOPBEKOV Khoja Akhmet Yassawi International Kazakh-Turkish University

Anahtar Kelimeler:

values, education, spiritual education, family, students, research, national, moral.


Today, education with the instillation of national values in students is a requirement of life, a necessity of society. And what is the national cultural value? It is a unique tradition, customs and traditions of each nation. That is, spiritual and material values accumulated over the centuries.
“First of all, a person should be educated, not educated. Education without it is the enemy of humanity”, said the great scientist Abu Nasir Al-Farabi. Now the XXI century is the time of education and science. But if we put our efforts into education and science, and forget about education, including national education, we will lose. After all, despite the fact that he is educated and does not absorb the national culture, he will become an eternal citizen of the nation, useless to the people. Culture says that an educated community cannot be without culture. Education, Science, and culture are based on a real Kazakh education, and a path to the top of civilization will be built.
The sources of national education are folklore, oral literature, national literature, customs, traditions, noble principles, oratory, proverbs and sayings, principles of education in the works of our thinkers who were born on our native land. At the same time, the main directions of National Education will be such qualitative characteristics as national features of Family Education, kinship relations, the concept of seven fathers, maternity duty and duty, National Honor, national consciousness, national morality, patriotism, hard work, humanity.
The relevance of the article is that, first of all, the formation of national consciousness in national education is one of the main prerequisites. Today, in the era of globalization, it is necessary not to copy all the cultures of Western civilization, but to take root, to take what is necessary for our nation, and secondly, education contributes to the growth of the younger generation in the sense of responsibility to society as a rich, versatile citizen of the spiritual world.


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