Features of Novel Methods in Integrated Teaching of a Chemistry Lesson in English

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  • B. Shagrayeva South Kazakhstan State Pedagogical University
  • А. Bitemirova South Kazakhstan State Pedagogical University
  • N. Bayseitova South Kazakhstan State Pedagogical University
  • G. Tuymebayeva South Kazakhstan State Pedagogical University

Anahtar Kelimeler:

integrated learning, integration, competence, communication, CLIL training technology.


The article discusses the features of novel methods of subject-language integrated learning, as well as the conditions for its application in the field of education. The theoretical significance of this issue was carried out in the process of teaching interdisciplinary integration of chemistry and foreign language subjects. Integration with the English language made it possible to achieve learning outcomes using various methods and approaches. Currently, the lesson allows students to develop and improve themselves, strengthen their creative abilities – thus, in modern society, training prepares students for a successful life. Currently, English language proficiency is considered as the basis of tools for improving the level and opportunities of professional education. In this regard, there are new innovative technologies for teaching English. One of these technologies is the method of subject-language integrated learning CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning). The CLIL methodology uses English as a tool for teaching other subjects. The article contains elements of the updated curriculum and an example of a practical training plan.


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