Abay'ın Tam İnsan İfadesinin Kaynakları

719 374


  • G.S. Kosımova Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University

Anahtar Kelimeler:

Abai, Perfect Man, mature personality, national outlook, anthropocentrism, historical consciousness, spiritual heritage.


This article examines Abai's concept about the Perfect Man. Thoughts about the
perfect person, which have been formed over the centuries and accumulated in the national
consciousness, emphasize the importance of educating a new generation of people in modern
society. Concepts based on universal values and transformed into a national code were reflected in
the works of thinkers of antiquity and the Middle Ages, and later became a new feature in Abai's
work. Abai's Perfect Man is a person who loves the God, respects a person, glorifies human
qualities, knows the difference between good and evil, loves generosity, listens to the voice of his
heart, stands for justice, avoids lies, hardworking, patriotic and mature. The researchers say
maturity is the charity of the people living in the community. Charity is expressed in virtue,
politeness, kindness, compassion, and fairness. In the works of Abai and Aristotle, Al-Farabi, Yusuf
Balasaguni and Akhmet Iugneki, good people are described as conscious people who prioritize the
states interests, are not indifferent to human fate, know the truth and able to think and make the
right decisions. Topical issues of anthropocentrism – the discovery of the essence of a holistic
model of a person, the search for the depth of the worldview of a mature person in the spiritual
heritage of different periods, their connection with the nature of the ethnos, the artistic world,
worldview. Figurative words and phraseological units and proverbs, aphorisms that create the image
of a Perfect Man are valued as a motivation and a form of modeling. The values of Abai's
worldview are considered in connection with the conscious actions of a mature person, and
historical sources are taken for their sources. The historical heritage includes ancient Turkic
monuments, medieval Turkic heritage and the thoughts of poets and the words of orators.


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