Günlük kelime dağarcığının etnokültürel içeriği (Kazakça, Karakalpakça, Kırgız dillerine göre)

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  • G. Sagidolda L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University
  • G. G. Zhylkybay Khoja Akhmet Yassawi International Kazakh-Turkish University
  • Y. Kuttimuratova 3PhD, Associate Professor of Nukus State Pedagogical Institute

Anahtar Kelimeler:

grammatical structure, vocabulary, semantics, household vocabulary, ethnogenesis, Kipchak group.


The language is not only used in communication activities, but also reflects the centuries-old experience, the spiritual world, the system of values and the wisdom of the native-speaking people. Therefore, in the construction of the vocabulary and grammatical structure of the language, all the achievements of human thought, observations and experience of generations of ancestors are recorded, preserved and transmitted to descendants. Especially the axiological and cognitive significance of the lexical fund of the language.
Undoubtedly, in the treasury of the Kazakh, Karakalpak, Kyrgyz languages, which are closely related to each other, there is a vocabulary common not only for these languages, but also for the Turkic languages as a whole. At the same time, in order to reveal lexico-semantic commonalities and features between these languages, the nature of vocabulary, ethno-linguistic function, it is important to study the entire vocabulary, classifying it into lexico-thematic groups.
Thematically grouped lexical units in the Kazakh, Kyrgyz, and Karakalpak languages give a clear answer to the few features in the distinctive cultures of these peoples. Changes in lifestyle, living conditions of the population, as well as spiritual life, daily life and other factors have a direct impact on the lexical fund of the language. Dialects are common in the languages of the Kipchak group. Some of the words are inherent only in a certain dialect. Some of them have been preserved as ancient Turkic lexical units. To identify and study such words, very valuable data from the point of view of semantic material is offered.
In teaching everyday vocabulary of Kazakh, Karakalpak, Kyrgyz languages, in addition, the data of the Mongolian, Altai languages represent a number of valuable facts. Of interest is the study of the layer of ancient Turkic vocabulary in the languages of the Kipchak group. Household vocabulary differs in that it can offer rich material for studying the history of the Kazakh, Karakalpak, Kyrgyz languages, as well as the ethnogenesis of each nation. Household vocabulary differs in that it can offer rich material for studying the history of the Kazakh, Karakalpak, Kyrgyz languages, as well as the ethnogenesis of each nation. The article is devoted to the comparative study of the everyday vocabulary of the Kazakh, Karakalpak, Kyrgyz languages in the synchronous aspect.



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