Türk Dünyasinda «Kadin» Kavramini Yansitan Atasözlerinin Ve Atasözlerinin Dilbilimsel Yönü

188 568


  • А.М. ELUBAİ Gumilyov Eurasian National University
  • N.A. ALDABEK Al-Farabi Kazakh National University

Anahtar Kelimeler:

woman, concept, proverbs, anthropocentrism, linguoculturology, stereotype


The article analyzes the semantic structure of the concept of «woman» in the culture of the Turkic-speaking peoples (Kazakh and Turkish), as well as ways to reflect them in paremiological constructions. A comparative and linguoculturological analysis of proverbs and sayings denoting the concept of «woman» has been carried out. The cognitive features of the two nationalities in the interpretation of the image of a woman were analyzed. According to the authors meanings, in modern linguistics, the scope of the study of the spiritual treasures and linguistic wealth of the nation is expanding in comparison with the linguistic units in the vocabulary of related languages. The relevance of the study is due to the fact that when considered in the linguoculturological aspect, in addition to the communicative and cognitive activities of the language, the consideration of the language is given in unity and continuity with the concepts of culture and civilization, as a source of national cultural information that gives a valuable idea of the world as a whole and national characteristics, in particular. The aim of the study is to analyze the linguistic picture of the concept of «woman» in the Kazakh and Turkish languages at the lexical level, to identify their conceptual qualities and features of functioning. The work uses the methods of descriptive-analytical, lexical and conceptual analysis, linguocultural and comparative analyses. At present, the content of the concept «woman» has been revealed and considered from different angles in linguistic studies.
The article also reveals similarities and differences between the conceptual, figurative and value components of the concept «woman». The concept of «woman» reflects the attitude of society towards the fair sex, therefore, in the Kazakh and Turkish ethnic groups, a woman is assigned the role of a housewife, wife, mother, mother-in-law. Turkish proverbs represent women's diligence, endurance and mercy. The Kazakh people also appreciate attentiveness, cheerfulness and hospitality in women. Both ethnic groups value female character and moral qualities above female beauty. In the linguistic cultures of the Kazakh and Turkish ethnic groups, women's verbosity, laziness, greed, lies, and arrogance are condemned. Comparison of two related languages makes it possible to reveal not only the universal features of each linguistic culture, but also their unique national features.

