Kazak Medyasının Yapısındaki Anglikizmlerin Sözlüksel Ve Semantik İşlevi (Kazakça Süreli Yayınlara Dayanarak)

139 270


  • Zh.М. Zhussubalina M. Auezov South Kazakhstan University
  • B.М. Tleuberdiyev Auezov South Kazakhstan University

Anahtar Kelimeler:

anglicisms, mass media, media text, semantic category, periodicals, news, column.


The authors of this article discuss the spread of anglicisms in modern mass media, their use in media texts. The term «media text» has gained great interest in the Kazakh scientific community over the past 10 years. This interest is due to the fact that scientists attach great importance to the study of the peculiarities of language activity and the problems of media speech in the field of mass communication. This study, based on periodicals in the Kazakh language, examines and analyzes anglicisms found in the media context. 3 popular newspapers from periodicals in Kazakhstan were taken as the object of research. 3 editions of the newspapers «Egemen Kazakhstan», «Almaty akshamy» and «Ontustik Kazakhstan» were analyzed and articles with anglicisms were collected. It was distinguished anglicisms based on the semantical categorization of articles and analyzed which articles they are most often used in (for national or international news). Categories are not compiled in advance, but only appear in the course of research. During the research process, a theoretical review of the works of domestic and foreign scientists is carried out, definitions of the terms «media text» and «anglicism» are given. The theoretical part of the study is based on the works of domestic and foreign linguists such as A. Baitursynov, R. Syzdyk, K. Abduali, H. Dosmukhamedov, G. Doszhan, L.G. Antonova, T.G. Dobrosklonskaya, H. Gotleb, A. Bell, P. Hofstee, T. Janson.

