Uyarlanabilir Bir Eğitim Ortamında Öğrencilerin Bilişsel Etkinliklerinin Pedagojik Oluşumu

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  • Zhilmagambetova R.Z. L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University
  • Alimagambetova A.Z. Kazakh University of Economics, Finance and International Trade

Anahtar Kelimeler:

cognitive activity, students, pedagogical conditions, adaptive educational environment, independent work.


In modern education, the independent work of students is a necessary and important part of the educational process. Because it not only helps to consolidate the knowledge and skills acquired in practical courses but also contributes to the strengthening of cognitive activity. As a rule, one of the platforms for organizing independent work of students is an adaptive learning environment. The purpose of the study was to develop and implement a training course on the organization of independent work of students in an adaptive educational environment to increase the level of their cognitive activity. Research hypothesis: the level of cognitive activity of students increases when organizing independent work in an adaptive educational environment. By the purpose and hypothesis, the authors defined the objectives of the study: theoretical analysis of scientific literature, the study of the formation of cognitive activity of students, the study of the concepts of «pedagogical conditions» and «adaptive educational environment», diagnosis of the level of formation of cognitive activity of students; prepare students for independent work on the Moodle platform; analyze the results of the study. The proposed course included personalized adaptive learning. Second-year students of the specialty «Information Systems» of Aktobe Higher Polytechnic College in the course of mastering the subject «Mathematics» carry out training in this course. The statistics obtained indicate that the application of the developed training course in an adaptive personalized educational environment has a positive effect on increasing the level of cognitive activity of students. The data obtained by the authors can be used by teachers of other educational institutions in the process of forming the cognitive sphere of students.



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