Kazakistan'daki Okullarda Üç Dilliliğin Geliştirilmesinin Bir Araci Olarak Atasözleri Ve Atasözleri

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  • Ibrayeva Z. L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University
  • Bulatbayeva K. National Academy of Education named after I. Altynsarin
  • Vesselinov D. Sofia University named after St. Kliment Ohridsk

Anahtar Kelimeler:

proverb, saying, folk art, language policy, trilingualism, skill development, communicative competence, educational process, secondary school.


The article is devoted to the usage of proverbs and sayings in the process of
teaching English with the aim to develop trilingualism in secondary schools. The relevance of the research is determined by the fact that one of the important sources of introducing a figurative and expressive foreign speech to schoolchildren is the fund of phraseological units. The phraseological
fund of the language seems to be one of the most interesting and productive objects, vividly and distinctively showing national and cultural traditions, values and peculiarities of perception of the world, as well as the fact that the role of intercultural communication in the modern world is rapidly increasing. Proverbs are rich original material that, on the one hand, does not require adaptation, and on the other meets the highest artistic requirements. Thus, proverbs are the most fertile material.
The main thing is an affordable tool, and its role in teaching a foreign language can hardly be overestimated. Proverbs and sayings contribute to the memorization of various consonants, rhymes and rhythms.The authors believe that the use of proverbs and sayings in foreign language lessons
helps to solve both didactic and educational tasks: development of communication skills, memory; development of artistic thinking; getting acquainted with the history and culture of own community
and a foreign one; education of moral and spiritual qualities of an individual. The article also presents exercises with proverbs and sayings for improving a foreign language communicative competence of schoolchildren. The results of the research can be used in the educational process when teaching English at school and other educational organizations, and while compiling teaching aids, textbooks intended for teaching English.


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