Büyük İpek Yolu ve Kazakistan

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  • Zangadiluly N. The School of History, Northwest University

Anahtar Kelimeler:

Huns, Turkic Khaganate, Kingdom of West Khan, Kingdom of Tang, Shyngys empires, Golden Horde, Yuan Dynasty, Great Silk Road, Nurly Zhol, «One Belt, One Way».


The author thinks that his short research article on the Great Silk Road has a lot of content, a long period of research, a wide range of research sources and a number of unique features that make it interesting for those who are interested in this field. Today, the study and further development of the Great Silk Road, which attaches great importance to the study of ancient
civilizations, is a matter of incalculable importance and significance. From the first appearance of silk to its production and transformation into a valuable commodity, which served as the basis for the name of the great medieval strategic road, the Great Silk Road, is narrated by ancient Chinese
At the same time, this article describes the important historical role of ancient Kazakhstan in the formation and development of the Great Silk Road as a medieval strategic road. The original and key parts of the historical path, which marked the beginning of the trade named after silk, have flourished in the Kazakh steppe from time immemorial. The fact that the Kazakh land was not only the territory through which the Silk Road passed, but also played a historical role in turning this
simple way of giving into a way of exchanging civilization between the West and the East, is confirmed by Chinese handwritten sources. Moreover, according to the information provided by modern significant Chinese information sources, the connection of the Nurly Zhol program
proposed by the ex-President of the Republic of Kazakhstan with the One Belt, One Way program is revealed. It is proved that independent Kazakhstan plays an important role in the modern reconstruction of the historical path. Thus, both the past and the present of the Great Silk Road are inextricably linked with Kazakhstan.


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