Methods, Techniques and Directions of Funeral Rites Research

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  • R. Mussayev Al-Farabi Kazakh National University
  • Zh. Zhumashova University of «Turan»

Anahtar Kelimeler:

funeral rites, deceased, culture, history, ethnography, people, nation.


After the death of loved one, relatives of the deceased must perform a number of rites in preparation for the funeral. Funeral rites are processes that is accompanied by the burial of the person and other traditions. In recent years, the problem of funeral rites has been analyzed in the scientific literature. Nevertheless, many scientists in this field say that this topic is insufficiently studied. Funeral rites usually differ between cultures and religious groups. The article defines the existing scientific methods and approaches for studying funeral rites. The research paper substantiates the relevance and importance of the theoretical understanding of the study of funeral rites. The methodological basis of the research consists of scientific works of domestic, Russian and foreign researchers, their main provisions on the study of funeral rites.


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