The Image of Turar in the Work «Hell» by Sh. Murtaza

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  • А. Nusupova Taraz Regional University named after M.Kh. Dulaty

Anahtar Kelimeler:

literature, image, creativity, historical, truth, artist, symbol, hero.


The article examines a work based on the fate of the historical personality of Turar Ryskulov, a complex and full of struggle. We are also talking about the artistic and creative sphere of the writer, the essence of worldview and theoretical knowledge, methods and principles of the analysis of a work of art. Using a new approach, an overview of the life and creative path of T. Ryskulov, who lived and worked in the 20th century in the social world of Kazakhstan, is made. The article reveals the artistic solution of the work «Tamuk» («Underworld») by the writer who introduced a new trend in Kazakh literature, including Kazakh prose, sh. Murtaza. In addition, the formation of a writer as a writer and his new research in this direction, thematic-ideological, stylistic-linguistic, genre characteristics are considered in close connection with the literary process. The work «Tamuk» extensively analyzes the worldview of T. Ryskulov, his deep thoughts.


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