Aryan Tribes and Religious Beliefs

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  • B. Аbzhet Khoja Akhmet Yassawi International Kazakh-Turkish University

Anahtar Kelimeler:

Mussel, Herodot, king Kir, aryan tribes, Akhura Маzda, zoroastrianism.


In this article, the author examines the influence of States that existed on the ancient Iranian territory, such as Babylon, the Sumero-Akkadian Kingdom, and Bactria, as well as their traces, cultural layers, and beliefs. After the collapse of the Kingdom of Media, the Persian and Aryan tribes entered the historical scene, which created a powerful Empire on Iranian soil. The article highlights ancient religious beliefs and the new religion of Zoroastrianism that was born in Iran at that time, shows the difference between Ahura Mazda and other minor deities and the reasons for its rise to a higher level. It also refers to the influence of the religions of the Aryan tribes that migrated from North to South and settled on the Iranian land on the religion of the peoples who inhabited this territory, which later played a role in strengthening the position of Zoroastrianism in the region.


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