Multicultural Competence in Modern Conditions

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  • G Issabekova M.H. Dulati Taraz Regional University
  • G. Abdrakhman M.H. Dulati Taraz Regional University
  • Е. Sarmurzin L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University

Anahtar Kelimeler:

multiculturalism, multicultural competence, multicultural environment, multicultural personality, humanization, cultural identity, «basic culture of personality».


The article deals with the problem of increasing the attention of the pedagogical community to culture as a phenomenon of human existence. The formation of multicultural competence among teachers and students contributes to the ability to work and study in a foreign culture. Multicultural competence is considered as an integrative property of the individual, which reflects his ability to solve professional and everyday problems and tasks on the basis of a culture-centered system of values. The definition of «multiculturalism» most succinctly conveys the interaction of the principles of dialogue and interaction of various cultures. Multicultural personality is one of the components of the «basic culture of personality». First of all, a certain cultural and educational environment contributes to the formation of the «person of culture», a multicultural personality.


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