Kazakça'da Singarmonizmin Incelenmesi

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  • Kopbossynov B.K. M. Auezov South-Kazakhstan University
  • Boranbayev S.R. M. Auezov South-Kazakhstan University

Anahtar Kelimeler:

Kazakh language, synharmonism, consonance, phonetics, word, sound.


The article discusses the main stages of the scientific study of vowel harmony in the Kazakh language. The initial data for the study were the works of foreign linguists and Kazakh linguists in charge of A. Baytursynuly and H. Dosmukhameduly. On the base of analize the nature
of the law of consonance in the Kazakh language is described in detail.
To date, many researchers argue that vowel harmony is only the consonance of vowel sounds.
So this definition is given in school textbooks and scientific papers. In this article authors gave examples that show one of the types of synharmonism – the harmony of consonant sounds.
The theoretical views of scientists on vowel harmony in the Kazakh language are contradictory, so there was given preference to the conclusions of scientists who studied the phonetic structure of the Kazakh language experimentally.
Authors tried to prove that both the vowel and the consonant sound play an important role in the synharmonic language. Although some principles contradict authors’ decisions, the opinion of the majority of scientists who have studied the structure and auditory nature of sounds and other
speech units, phenomena and processes experimentally is consistent with the result of their research.
It is important to understand more deeply the problems of consonantal theories and stressphonemic theories underlying the Turkic word. The conclusions of this article show that in recent years in the field of sound systems in Turkology, new, synharmonic, synharmonic phonological
theories have been formed and introduced into practice.



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