Ortaçağ Şairi M.H. Dulaty'nin «Tarikh-i Rashidi» adlı Eserinde Şiir

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  • Bayeşova B.S. Hoca Ahmet Yesevi Uluslararası Türk-Kazak Üniversitesi
  • Pertayeva E.K. Sh.Murtaza International Taraz Innovation Institute

Anahtar Kelimeler:

poetry, genre, quatrain, rubai, arafat, bayit, poem, chronogram.


The article tells in detail about the work of the public figure, the first Kazakh historian Mohammed Haydar Dulaty. Various genres were explored that were written in the direction of poetry in the famous work of the thinker and scientist «Tarih-i Rashidi» («The history of those who are on the way to the Almighty»). Also, poems written in the rubai genre are analyzed in depth.
Each of them is differentiated from a meaningful, artistic point of view.
Rubai is a one-syllable type of verse. The peculiarity of the genre is that even one verse has a deep meaning. Ancient philosophers, sages, and ruling bi-orators conveyed their wise thoughts through this genre. The article focuses on the etymology, and specifics of the development of this genre. Poems by M.H. Dulaty are systematized by content in several forms and examples are given, and his poems by construction, content, meaning are also analyzed in depth. Many literary genres are reflected in the classical work of the great scientist. Absolutely each of the works will give a person joy and warmth. The poetry itself in this work of the poet is partially divided into several contents. Rubayats of M.H. Dulaty are written in two big motifs. The first motif is philosophical, the second is lyrical. The article provides a comprehensive analysis of these areas.



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