Kazakça ve Türkçe'nin Deyimlerindeki Sayıların Sırrı: Semantik Dönüşüm

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  • А.К. Kolpenova L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University
  • E.Zh. Omirbayev Hoca Ahmet Yesevi Uluslararası Türk-Kazak Üniversitesi

Anahtar Kelimeler:

emic reality, sacred numbers, quality, image, linguo indicator.


The article studies meanings of phraseological units with digit components in Kazakh and Turkish languages. It states that in the background value which is to be a prototype of phraseological meaning, there lays emic truth, and meanings of «holiness» and «sacredness» are one of the characteristics of this truth. Taking this theory into account, the article aims to discover the sacral and symbolic meaning of numbers in numeric units, and introduce phraseological units as cultural and semantical structures distinguishing their comparative features which appear out of
traversal of number and value, also to define commonality, peculiarity and uniqness in common Turkic semantic environment. The object of research are mainly figurative phraseological units since the peculiar features of phraseological units are defined through inner form of image. There
are not any phraseological units with image of «zero» in Kazakh language, and only 2–3 phrases in Turkish. Interpreting their meanings it can be concluded that «zero» has typical characteristics of latency and potentiality.
Analyzing phraseological units with digit components in two languages it was discovered that there are a lot of phrases with number «one» in Turkish language. Phraseological units in two languages with one or different images, but which have the same meaning are compared. It was
concluded that comparative semantics − the synthesis of value and number, is formed in phraseological units with number «two». These structures which have qualitative semantics are inferred to be main linguistic indicators carrying out all three uses of language, showing the
characteristics of Turkic semantic environment, and ethnocultural unit which collects information.



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