Linguistic and Geographical Dynamics of Orographic Terms

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  • B. Abdualiuly L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University

Anahtar Kelimeler:

geographical term, microsystem, orography, determinative, indicator term, appellative, nomen, nomenclature.


The terrain is diverse. Depending on the features in different regions, geographical
objects are assigned different names. Each nation, based on its life and worldview, depending on nature, gives different names to the places in which it lives. The article will provide a linguistic and geographical analysis of the relationship of the triad man – earth – name, taking into account the traditions common to all peoples inhabiting the Earth, including the principles of naming the Kazakh ethnic group. Geographical names in modern science are evaluated as the “language of the earth”. It is divided into generalizing and individualizing names. The generalizing names include
folk terms, the individualizing names are toponyms, the first have a descriptive meaning, the second are individualizing, i.e. they perform the function of personification from other forms. Since they are closely related to each other, they originate from each other, in most cases they are of a long nature. This is the evolutionary dynamics of language development. In this article, prepared on the basis of the concepts of “interdisciplinary connection”, “complexity”, which attract attention by their relevance in modern science, the regularities of the development of orographic terms are also considered. The course of development is divided into terminological, as an element of an artistic language, and toponymic directions of development. The figurative meaning, the term meaning, the toponymic meaning are a vivid manifestation of these three directions in one word. The truth is that over time, becoming more and more autonomous from each other, each in its own way turns into a separate sphere. The research is devoted to the theoretical and applied description of the degree of quality with the definition of the lexical system
of orographic terms that have developed in the language of the people for centuries.


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