Yabancı Dil Derslerinde Öğrencilerin Pozitif Etnik Kimliğinin Ve Etnik Gruplar Arası Iletişim Kültürünün Geliştirilmesi

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  • D.M. Kabenova L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University
  • N.S. Bissalieva

Anahtar Kelimeler:

ethnic identity, culture of interethnic communication, ethnic self-identification of students, foreign language, methods of ethnic identification development.


The article highlights the theoretical issues of the categories of ethnic identity, interethnic communication. The authors consider the issues of theoretical prerequisites for the study of the students’ ethnic identity in domestic and foreign science. The indicators and properties of
ethnic identity are considered in detail. Particular attention is paid to the issues of mutual influence and interdependence of a student's positive ethnic identity and the culture of his interethnic communication. The authors substantiate the thesis about the role of the discipline «Foreign
language» in the development of students’ ethnic identity and in improving the culture of interethnic communication. The article proposes various methods, forms and techniques of work on the development of students' ethnic identity. This research widely presents the methodological tools
of teachers - foreign language teachers: problem-based learning methods, students’ research activities, work with audio, video, etc. An important role in the development of ethnic identity and interethnic communication belongs to work with small genres of oral folk art, and with translations of famous works into English. The results of the study of students’ ethnic self-identification, the change in the students’ attitude towards representatives of other ethnic groups are presented as a result of purposeful activity in this aspect. Positive self-identification of students is considered as a prerequisite and guarantee of positive interethnic communication.



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