İlkokulda "Robotik" Dersinin Öğretim Yöntemleri

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  • B.S. Ualikhanovа South Kazakhstan State Pedagogical University
  • N.S. Karataev South Kazakhstan State Pedagogical University

Anahtar Kelimeler:

educational environment, «Robotics» course, primary school, curriculum, computer science course, features of robotics in education.


The article is devoted to the presentation of the results of the study in order to disclose in primary school certain aspects of the use of the information and educational on the subject of computer science. The program and methodology of teaching the «Robotics» course for students of the 4th grade of elementary school are given.
Therefore, it was noted that robotics is an applied science that prepares an automated technical system, is an important technical basis for the development of production, it was revealed that robotics at school is a way of preparing children for modern life, equipped with high – tech
equipment, and it was shown that the application of robots in various fields in the life of mankind in the world and the prospects for the development of robotics are high. At the same time, it was shown that having technical creativity opens up a lot of opportunities for the younger generation,
and if a child learns to build and master a robot, he will achieve large – scale achievements in adulthood.
It is known that the most important task of the modern education system is the formation of educational activities in which students acquire the ability to self-development and selfimprovement, that is, it is obvious that the main goal will be to achieve through the conscious, active assimilation of social experience by students. That is why the teaching of robotics in primary
grades contributes to the development of such information culture as the ability of students to carry out subsequent educational activities, as well as the ability to purposefully work and process information, use modern technical means and methods. In this regard, it is written that for the
educational activities of the teacher, the connection of theory with the practice of applying the acquired knowledge on the way to turning it into a real product is important.
As a result of drawing up a program that meets the objectives of the study, the forms and methods of teaching a «Robotics» course in elementary school were determined. The expected results are also clarified, which:
-know the names and ways of connecting the main types of parts, the principles of operation of simple mechanism: the sequence of creating simple models:
-the ability to read diagrams; observe discipline when performing work; analyze the model under the guidance of a teacher. Plan the sequence of its manufacture, control the result of practical work on the technological map; work individually, in a group; observe safety rules when working
with a designer; be able to classify model details based on;
-offer solutions to the problem, know the end result, choose and look for means to achive the goal, make a plan for solving problems, compare expediency in the process of work and be able to correct mistakes.



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