Problem Çözme Yoluyla Öğrencilerde Matematiksel Sezgi Ve Mantığın Geliştirilmesi

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  • Yu. Popova M. Auezov South-Kazakhstan University
  • M. Abdualieva M. Auezov South-Kazakhstan University

Anahtar Kelimeler:

mathematical intuition, logic, mathematics, student, learning process.


The authors in the article consider the actual problem of the development of mathematical intuition and logic among students in the process of learning at school. This problem has been little studied in Kazakhstan and requires further research in this area. The article summarizes the analysis of the literature on the development of mathematical intuition and logic
among students, the main content of the study is a stating experiment to identify intuitive and logical thinking in students in the process of solving problems and providing qualitative results. As a result of this study, it was found that most of the students do not have the skills of mathematical
intuition and logic in the process of solving problems. It is concluded that it is necessary to introduce additional material in the form of non-standard tasks in mathematics for the development of intuitive and logical thinking in students, which will increase the effectiveness of learning and
involve all students in the learning process. The authors give practical recommendations to teachers for the development of logical and intuitive thinking in students in the classroom. This article and the results of the study will be of interest to teachers of secondary schools, young scientists, school methodologists.



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