Doğa Bilimi Konusunu Doğada Nedensel Ilişkilerle Öğretmenin Etkinliği

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  • G.Zh. Kalelova S.Amanzholov East Kazakhstan University
  • B.Sh. Abdimanapov Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University

Anahtar Kelimeler:

natural science, nature, environment, causes, effects, education, system of pedagogical education.


The article deals with the problems of increasing the effectiveness of teaching the subject «Natural science» at school due to the relationship of causes and effects in nature. The main goal of educational projects in the subject of «Natural science» is to create favorable conditions for
the formation of students' basic academic knowledge about natural activities and laws, simple skills in experimental activities, and the development of knowledge related to all academic visions of
society. These knowledge and skill tasks are not the main goal; they should be, first of all, a means of forming the pedagogical and creative possibilities of the students' consciousness, obtaining new knowledge and information about nature as a research tool.
The explanation and presentation of factors that change the environment contribute to the inevitable development of the academic worldview of students, the development of a welldeveloped concept of academic ideas in natural movements and activities, and the disclosure of relationships in the concept of an individual society-subject. The basis of the study of cause-andeffect relationships is considered to be the identification and presentation of the causes and consequences of these causes, leading to changes in natural things.
The direction of natural science as a science related to natural activities and phenomena includes a set of natural sciences aimed at studying the volume-transitional features of natural objects, their appearance and patterns of formation. Introducing students to the environment, they
carefully study the prerequisites and results of various phenomena occurring in nature.
The result of the educational goal is perceived to inform students about the gradual development of the whole picture in the environment, the ways of their cognition, perception and understanding in high-quality digital images of natural actions and phenomena, the acquisition of relevant knowledge and skills, the effective application of the acquired knowledge.



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