Bilgisayar Bilimleri Öğretiminde Kapsayıcı Eğitim Sürecinin Organizasyon Biçimleri

137 431


  • G.I. Salgarayeva Kazakh National Women's Teacher Training University
  • A.S. Makhanova Kazakh National Women's Teacher Training University

Anahtar Kelimeler:

forms of education, inclusive education, informatics, services, organization of education.


Currently, the process of improving the education system is actively underway in our country. Along with solving everyday problems, systematic measures are being taken to ensure that children have equal opportunities for all. The article considers the forms of organization of the inclusive education process in teaching computer science to schoolchildren. The experience of inclusive education poses a number of problems for secondary schools and teachers. These problems include the organization of lessons in an inclusive classroom, the choice of the form of
education for children with special educational needs, as well as other issues of the organization of the educational and educational process. The article presents ways to solve the above problems. The importance of research in the field of organizing training in the context of inclusive education is due to the need to develop a flexible education system, taking into account the individual needs of students. The modern education system offers two interrelated forms of education for children with
special educational needs, this is an inclusive form of education that allows you to directly participate in the life of a comprehensive school and home education, in which an individual training program is developed. The article considers the possibility of using the capabilities of internet services in the implementation of these forms of education.



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