Türk devletinin STEM eğitiminde deneyimi

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  • K.B. Kudaibergenova South Kazakhstan State Pedagogical University
  • Kh.K. Abdrakhmanova South Kazakhstan State Pedagogical University
  • A.K. Umbetkulova K. Zhubanov Aktobe Regional University

Anahtar Kelimeler:

STEM-education, physical experiments, STEM-centers, robotics courses, natural sciences, physics.


The article considers the practical experience of implementing STEM (science, technology, engineering, mathematics) education in Turkey. The study was based on a report on STEM education by the Department of Innovation and Educational Technologies of the Ministry of
Education of Turkey and the work of local scientists. Analytical review and analysis were used as research methods. The Turkish state is doing a lot of work in the areas of defining the role of the STEM method in education and training for the development of the economy. Concrete measures
and steps to develop the STEM educational program and introduce it into the educational process have been quickly implemented since Turkey became a member of the European Union's "Scientix" project. Currently, within the framework of STEM education, research and methodological work is being carried out on integrated teaching in the subjects of the natural sciences. In addition, the universities are creating a platform for all stakeholders, which will publish general recommendations for teachers and students, information about organized courses and seminars, new
resources, guidelines and the latest news in this area. Currently, it is planned to introduce STEM education technology into the curriculum.



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Akgündüz D., Aydeniz M., Çakmakçı G., Çavaş B., Çorlu M. S., Öner T., Özdemir S. STEM eğitimi Türkiye raporu. – İstanbul: Scala Basım, 2015. – 80 s.

Yıldırım B., Altun Y. STEM Eğitim ve Mühendislik Uygulamalarının Fen Bilgisi Laboratuar Dersindeki Etkilerinin İncelenmesi // El-Cezerî Fen ve Mühendislik Dergisi. – 2015. – №2(2). – S. 28–40.

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Akgunduz D. STEM Turkey Bulletin // Turkish Studies. – 2017. – №1(3). – S. 106–125.

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Akgunduz D., Aydeniz M., Chakmakchy G., Chavash B., Chorlu M.S., Oner T., Ozdemir S. STEM egitimi Turkiye raporu [STEM education Turkey report]. – Istanbul: Scala Basım, 2015. – 80 s. [in Turkish]

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Altunel M. STEM egitimi ve Turkiye: fırsatlar ve riskler [STEM education and Turkey: opportunities and risks] // Seta Perspektif. – 2018. – №207. – S. 1–7. [in Turkish]

Akgunduz D., Aydeniz M., Cakmakci G., Cavash B., Çorlu M. S., Öner T., Özdemir S. STEM egitimi Turkiye raporu [STEM education Turkey report]. – Istanbul: Scala Basım, 2015. – 180 s. [in Turkish]

Akgunduz D., Aydeniz M., Chakmakci G., Chavash B., Chorlu M.S., Oner T., Ozdemir S. STEM egitimi Turkiye raporu [STEM education Turkey report]. – İstanbul: Scala Basım, 2015. – 80 s. [in Turkish]

Iyldyrym B., Altun Y. STEM Egitim ve Muhendislik Uygulamalarının Fen Bilgisi Laboratuar Dersindeki Etkilerinin Incelenmesi [Investigation of the Effects of STEM Education and Engineering Applications on Science Knowledge Laboratory Course] // El-Cezerî Fen ve Muhendislik Dergisi. – 2015. – №2(2). – S. 28–40. [in Turkish]

Çorlu M.S., Capraro R.M., Capraro M.M. Introducing STEM education: implications for educating our teachers for the age of innovation // Education and Science. – 2014. – №39(171). – S. 74–85.

Hajiomeroglu G., Bulut A.S. Entegre FeTeMM ogretimi yonelim olcegi Turkce formunun gecerlik ve guvenirlik calısmasi [Validity and reliability study of the Turkish version of the integrated FeTeMM teaching orientation scale] // Egitimde Kuram ve Uygulama. – 2016. – №12(3). – S. 654–669. [in Turkish]

Kearney M., Burden K., Rai T. Investigating teachers’ adoption of signature mobile pedagogies // Computers and Education. – 2015. – №15(1). – P. 22–35. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.compedu.2014.08.009

Cholakoglu M.H., Gokben A.G. Turkiye’de egitim fakultelerinde FeTeMM (STEM) chalyshmalary [FeTeMM (STEM) studies at the faculties of education in Turkey] // Informal Ortamlarda Arashtırmalar Dergisi. – 2017. – Т. 2. – №2. – S. 46–69. [in Turkish]

Akgunduz D. STEM Turkey Bulletin // Turkish Studies. – 2017. – №1(3). – S. 106–125.

Ozdemir S. STEM egitimi icin gorusler [Opinions for STEM education]. [S. Boz tarafından kaydedildi]. – 2016. – №2(4). – S. 12–28. [in Turkish]

Shahin A., Ayar M.C., Adigzel T. Fen, teknoloji, muhendislik ve matematik uzerikli okul sonrası etkinlikler ve ogrenjiler uzerindeki etkileri [After-school activities related to science, technology, engineering and mathematics and their effects on students] // Kuram ve Uygulamada Egitim Bilimleri. – 2014. – №14(1). – S. 1–26. [in Turkish]

Berlin D.F., White A.L. The Berlin-White Integrated Science and Mathematics Model // School Science and Mathematics. – 1994. – №94. – P. 2–4.

Yıldırım B., Altun Y. STEM egitim ve muhendislik uygulamalarının Fen Bilgisi Laboratuar dersindeki etkilerinin incelenmesi [Investigation of the effects of STEM education and engineering applications on Science Knowledge Laboratory course] // El-Cezerî Fen ve Mühendislik Dergisi. – 2015. – №2(2). – S. 28–40. [in Turkish]

Yıldırım B., Selvi M. Adaptation of STEM attitude scale to Turkish // Turkish Studies. – 2015. – №10(3). – S. 1107–1120.

Morrison J. TIES STEM education monograph series // Attributes of STEM education. Baltimore, MD: TIES. – 2006. – 52 p.

National Research Council. STEM integration in K-12 education: Status, prospects, and an agenda for research. – National Academies Press, 2014. – P. 65–89.



