Valeolojik Unsurların Devlet Okullarındaki Biyoloji Derslerinin Pedagojik Sürecine Entegrasyonunun Etkinliğinin Araştırılması

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  • N.N. Salybekova Hoca Ahmet Yesevi Uluslararası Türk-Kazak Üniversitesi
  • A.Zh. Abdukakhar Hoca Ahmet Yesevi Uluslararası Türk-Kazak Üniversitesi

Anahtar Kelimeler:

healthy lifestyle culture, interactive methods, pedagogical technologies, pedagogical experiment, valeological element.


Today, the focus is on the healthy lifestyle of students. This is due to the fact that the health of children and adolescents includes important indicators that determine the economic, intellectual and cultural values of the country's potential, and is also one of the characteristics of national security.
This article discusses the issues of strengthening and maintaining the health of schoolchildren through the formation of a healthy lifestyle, taking into account the current negative changes in the health status of adolescents.
The study used theoretical and empirical methods, literary analysis, mathematical and statistical methods. In addition, innovative technologies and pedagogical conditions, control methods, valeological elements, and interactive methods were used in the classroom, as well as during extracurricular pedagogical experiments on protecting the health of schoolchildren.
As a result of the study, pedagogical conditions were created for the formation of a healthy lifestyle for schoolchildren in the educational process, and methodological ways of integrating valeological elements into the teaching of biology were determined. Based on the active
participation of students, classes on sanitary literacy in biology were held, including valeological elements. Thus, students form a positive attitude towards a healthy lifestyle and develop research, personal and cognitive abilities. The types of lesson organization using valeological elements in
biological education, the methodology for studying the section “Coordination and regulation” using interactive methods, the patterns of formation of a healthy lifestyle through laboratory work on the
section “Heredity and variability” are considered analyzed.
The results of the study showed the results of 80% of students' self-assessment, which form the value attitude of students to a healthy lifestyle. The results of the pedagogical experiment confirmed the effectiveness of the integration of valueological elements in biology lessons and found that 90% of students actively lead a healthy lifestyle.
The results of the study can be used by biology teachers as a guide in the development of effective teaching technologies and in research work with students.



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