M. Auezov'un Ilk Hikayelerini Yeni Bir Şekilde Öğretmek

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  • А.А. Azatbakyt S.Amanzholov East Kazakhstan University
  • А.М. Kartayeva S. Amanzholov East Kazakhstan University
  • А.Т. Tamayev Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University

Anahtar Kelimeler:

higher school, education, teaching stories, text analysis, methods and techniques.


The article deals with the study of the stories of the talented writer M. Auezov, known not only in our original literature, but in all human literature and culture. The ways of teaching the artistic and ideological features of M. Auezov's first stories at the university are considered. High school offers methods of teaching students through the analysis of the artistic and
ideological features of the writer's stories. Along with the literary side, M. Auezov speaks about the importance of fundamental research in the field of literary criticism, and pedagogical work in the field of teaching, psychological and philosophical ideas. In high school , in the first stories of the writer, the types of work with students in solving human problems are considered. The first stories of the writer are considered as a means of teaching art and worldview, raising questions, skills of character development in the university. The author shows ways to engage students in cognitive work, research, conducting thematic-compositional analysis of the conversation, a comprehensive analysis of the characters, mastering the text, literary analysis in the teaching of students in high school. He shows the educational side of teaching students the stories of M. Auezov in higher
education, leading students to spiritual purity, improving reading skills. Emphasizes the importance of the writer's stories in the educational process in the modern educational system. The speech goes about the new research of the writer's work and the new perception of the writer's work. Guide future specialists of Kazakh literature to assess the vitality and value of fiction, including the heritage of M. Auezov, which is our national value.



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