Possibilities of STEAM Teaching in the Subject «Higher Mathematics»

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  • Z.T. Seilova «Bolashak» University
  • G.S. Tulentayeva Khoja Akhmet Yassawi International Kazakh-Turkish University

Anahtar Kelimeler:

STEAM, education, mathematics, problems, standard, program.


The article deals with the issue of «STEAM education» in the context of rapid development in almost all areas of pedagogical science. What opportunities does it have for teachers and what is the power behind this word?! STEAM focuses on what education is. This article describes the goals and content of the discipline «Higher Mathematics» in the training of specialists in the field of technology in the context of STEAM education. The methodological basis for the formation of professional competence of STEAM specialists in the field of education and future technology is shown on the example of the discipline «Higher Mathematics». Due to the rapid development of STEAM education, it is planned to revise the methods of teaching mathematics in technical specialties. In order to address these important issues, a brief overview of the work of Russian and foreign scientists. Also, based on the content of the state educational standard 6B11329 – «Electric Power Engineering» defined. Important sections of mathematics for the specialty have been identified. The continuity between some sections of the discipline and the basic disciplines of the specialty is determined, and the connection of the sections of mathematics with the main educational disciplines is shown. There are specific examples of the use of logic elements that correspond to important block diagrams in the electrical system. If the future «electric power industry» is to form the competence of specialists in natural sciences, then the first place will be the question of how to implement the problems that students studying in technical specialties need to know, master, understand in the most important sections of mathematics. To do this, we need to be able not only to tell in the lesson about the connections between mathematics and the fundamental disciplines of the profession, but also to show examples that create this connection. If the specialist knows the logical connections shown in the article, in particular, the circuit in the electrical system connected in parallel, in series, as well as the equivalent circuit, the circuit of the electrical system in which the core is located, he can give examples and show them in practice. The article contains the views of the applicant's teaching experience and conclusions from the research. This research became the basis for the development of the methodological system of education STEAM.



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