Motives for Nomination and Etymological Features of Anthropotoponyms of the Karaganda Region

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  • A.K. Meіirbekov Khoja Akhmet Yassawi International Kazakh-Turkish University
  • А.К. Meirbekov Khoja Akhmet Yassawi International Kazakh-Turkish University

Anahtar Kelimeler:

toponym, anthropotoponym, etymology, microtoponym, memorial name


The article discusses the motives for nominating anthropotoponyms in Kazakh onomastics and the etymological meaning of the toponyms of the Karaganda region associated with a person's name. In the course of the research, methods of description, classification, summarizing, analyzing were used to determine the etymology of the region's anthropotoponyms. The characteristic of the etymological origin of anthropotoponymic names is compiled, the linguistic significance of the word-formation process is established by means of classification and generalization. The article discusses toponyms named after a person among the toponymic units of the Karaganda region, and the motives of two different nominations of anthropotoponyms. In the course of the study of the anthropotoponyms of the Karaganda region, a group of anthropotoponyms was identified that was not typical for both different groups of nomination motives. These anthropotoponyms are a group of anthropotoponyms named after a person created for special reasons that were not created for reasons mentioned in both different groups of creation motivation. Due to the fact that these anthropotoponyms are specific, the opportunity was proposed to consider them as a third group of motivation to create. Anthropotoponyms proposed for consideration as the third group can be recognized as anthropotoponyms intended for a specific person or in honor of the work of that person. Geographical names or toponyms that are of particular importance tell about the history of this locality and the beliefs of its inhabitants or about the people who lived in this locality.



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