Ideological and Artistic Features of the Poetry of Svetkali Nurzhan

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  • A.D. Kabylov

Anahtar Kelimeler:

Kazakh poetry, versification, ideological orientation of poetry, lyrical hero, image of the author, artistic feature, poem, epics


Svetkali Nurzhan (Aitman) is one of the outstanding poets who came to the world of poetry with their style, won the hearts of readers, determined their place in modern Kazakh poetry. His poems and stories depict various problems of the historical era and the present with a special artistic manner and deep socio-philosophical overtones and give rise to their own thoughts. The poet's desire to reveal the deep layers of social reality and human nature is distinguished by its ideological scope and poetic innovation. In addition to the subtle lyricism that penetrates deep into the human soul, epic poetry is clearly visible in his works, mixed with lofty thoughts and sharp civic wisdom. This article highlights the themes, ideological and artistic features of the poetry of the famous Kazakh poet Svetkali Nurzhan. Various themes in the poet's poems are depicted in a broad artistic and ideological manner. The poet's poetry is analyzed through the concepts of the Great Steppe and the native land, which are the main conceptual core and invariable poetic orientation of the poet's work. Whatever topic the poet approaches, it is noted that he sings from the standpoint of the national spirit and national identity, Kazakh traditions, from the point of view of his civic position. The poet brings his unique character and thoughts into his lyrical character, thereby revealing his poetic personality. On specific examples, it is proved that the images, captivating the reader and evoking the real thought and reality of life, philosophical thought, leading to deep reflection, reveal the poetic individuality of the author and show the originality of his poetry.



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