Dil Birimlerinin Duygusallığı ve Duygusal Değeri

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  • D. Ospanova
  • N. Aitova
  • V. Sultanzade

Anahtar Kelimeler:

emotiveness, emotive valence, emotive, vocabulary, semantics


In modern linguistics, attention is paid to the study of the national and cultural content of the activity of emotional vocabulary. This is especially important in understanding the semantic nature of language units. However, considering such lexical units from the point of view of their combined ability and synctaxic function allows us to achieve more results. Therefore, in this article, emotive words are studied in the aspect of semasiology and communicative linguistics. The purpose of the article is to study the valence of emotive words, their linguistic justification and reveal their communicative essence. It is planned to show that language units in an emotive combination are able to carry out their emotional activities by communicating with other units. It is known that this emotive valence further develops the idea of the regularity of emotional-expressive and expressive-stylistic harmony of language units in speech. In the article, the authors touched upon approaches to the study of emotional valence, considering the structural and functional aspects of emotional valence of a word. In particular, the types of emotive valence of a word and the mechanisms of opening valence abilities are analyzed. The object of research is the emotive components of word semantics. As a source, the main analytical materials were taken from the National Corpus of the Kazakh language, as well as fiction. In the course of the study, it was proved that an independent word is transformed into an emotive one in context or in combination with a word. The scientific conclusion that one of the main ways of emotiveness is Valence in Kazakh linguistics has not previously been properly analyzed and given in research. The small number of theoretical and practical works in the direction of studying the valence of a word indicates the relevance of this topic and the need to study emotive valence. In the course of the work, it was assumed that the emotiveness of any word is dynamic, that is, the emotional and semantic multiplicity of lexical units that occurs in accordance with the current, potential situation



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