Ayet Konuşmasının Söylemsel Sinerjisi

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  • A.К. Kozhahmetova Institute of Linguistics named after Akhmet Baitursynuly
  • Zh.A. Mankeeva Institute of Linguistics named after Akhmet Baitursynuly

Anahtar Kelimeler:

linguistic personality, discourse, metaphor, synergy, synergetic text.


The article deals with a new aspect of research in modern linguistics – the problem of the synergetic paradigm.

In contemporary Kazakh linguistics, defining the synergetic nature of the text, when considering the text as a synergetic process, is currently one of the topical issues. In this regard, how interdisciplinary processes in scientific research with an interdisciplinary approach prove to be effective in the study of «systemicity, complexity» at the present stage of scientific development, modern linguistics reveals the effectiveness of the new synergistic approach in linguistic research in the context of language ~ discourse. It is known that language as a means of cognition, relying on its communicative function, develops individuals, linguistic personalities. The individual creative linguistic personality also uses the means of artistic expression to unlock the rich potential of words, using them with a different meaning, transforming their tone and colouring. Linguistic symbols, which are formed by language, are the cognitive and informational core that characterises spiritual and material culture, an instrument of revival of the spirit. The units of language are a national phenomenon, reflecting the worldview, existence, spiritual culture of the people, providing information about their everyday life, environment, mentality, psychology and socio-political views. Thus, it is shown that the works analysing the language of poetry in the anthropocentric aspect are structured according to the nature of linguistic personality as the animating means (words) in the functional-dynamic content of artistic speech.

The article synergy of the poems of the poet M. Makataev is determined using the formula proposed by E. Muratova to determine the synergistic coefficient of the text (SK = A/N). The article uses concrete examples to reveal the poetic power and linguistic features of M. Makatayev's works, his artistic features with an emphasis on the use of ideological vocabulary, the significance of the poet's poems and the synergetic nature of his work.


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