Ergenler Arasında İntihar Davranışının Önlenmesinin Bir Aracı Olarak Eğitim

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  • Sh.T. Turdaliyeva Taraz Regional University named after M.Kh. Dulaty
  • G.T. Topanova Kazakh National Women's Pedagogical University
  • D.A. Uskenbayeva International Taraz Innovation Institute

Anahtar Kelimeler:

training, suicide, mental, social and physical health, prevention of suicidal behavior, communicative competence.


The article deals with the problem of the prevention of suicidal behavior among adolescents through training. The results of the survey showed the importance of psychological training in the prevention of suicidal behavior in adolescents, where attention is focused on communicative competencies. Training is an active learning method to develop emotional intelligence and communication skills. Thus, the process of assisting in the prevention of suicidal behavior is carried out. One of the advantages of the training is the development of previously unused communication skills with psychological comfort and personal security. During the period of their exit from a difficult life situation, adaptation to a new life and striving for a goal, a change in personal characteristics occurs. For example, in self-consciousness, self-esteem, behavior and communication features are formed. The training contains tasks and exercises for revealing and working out the potential of a teenager. Organized psychological training aimed at preventing suicidal behavior is a set of exercises and tasks aimed at providing psychological assistance and support that contribute to solving personal problems. This will help the participants of the training to gain the ability to explore themselves more deeply and thus change themselves. During the training, participants master strategies, tactics, and techniques that help them reach their individual and subject-activity potential in their activities, and get the opportunity for personal changes. A teenager learns to get rid of negative thoughts by using their time effectively and socializing in the right way in society.


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