“Uygulamalı Sanatların Temelleri” Disiplininin Öğretilmesi Çerçevesinde Öğrencilerin Manevi ve Ahlaki Eğitimi

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  • К.B. Кassenovа Aktobe Regional University named after K. Zhubanov
  • Z.B. Тaimanovа Aktobe Regional University named after K. Zhubanov

Anahtar Kelimeler:

arts and crafts, student, discipline, spiritual and moral education, traditions, values.


At present, during the period of complex socio-economic transformations in the Republic of Kazakhstan, scientific and pedagogical searches are increasingly being conducted to form the spiritual and moral qualities of students by strengthening the ethno-cultural heritage of the people. This allows you to fully understand and realize the values and heritage of the culture of the Kazakh people. It originates from the basics of arts and crafts. The situation with coronavirus has strengthened the role of information and remote technologies. However, it is worth highlighting the positive value of the possibilities of the Internet: access to in-depth study of the subject, comfortable conditions for obtaining information. Information technologies now allow not only conducting classes online, but also to take part in creative competitions, virtually visiting famous world museums - Louvre, Tretyakov Gallery, Vatican, watch cultural and historical films.

The pedagogical experiment authors conducted made it possible to highlight the contradictions that arose in the study of the discipline “Fundamentals of arts and crafts” and its educational aspect in the formation of the spiritual and moral qualities of the student.

Purpose of the study – conduct a pedagogical experiment on the formation of the spiritual and moral qualities of a student based on the content of the discipline “Fundamentals of arts and crafts”.

Research methods: research of scientific-theoretical and methodological literature on the problem of this research; diagnostic techniques, blitz survey, direct observation.

The final result was the development of a special training combination of methods, techniques and techniques in the discipline “Fundamentals of arts and crafts”, aimed at the formation of the spiritual and moral qualities of the student.


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