Research of Professional Readiness of Teachers in an Inclusive Educational Environment

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  • A.D. Zhumageldiyeva Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University
  • G.A. Abaeva Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University

Anahtar Kelimeler:

vocational training, inclusive education, children with special needs, general organization of education, inclusive environment.


The article analyzes in detail the problem of teacher training. There are many changes in the development of education. One of them is the implementation of inclusive education. The analysis of the research of foreign and domestic scientists will be carried out, the problems faced by teachers in inclusive education will be clarified. The importance of creating an inclusive educational environment in general education organizations is increasing at the request of modern society and the market. In the modern world, there are two different opinions in the education of people with special educational needs. The first is when teachers of a secondary school consider it necessary to master special pedagogy, psychology and psychological characteristics of children, the second is when people with special educational needs need the help of only special specialists. And these opinions cause many contradictions. The indicators and features of several authors on professional training for the organization of an inclusive environment are given. The barriers faced by teachers in the process of working with children with special educational needs are specified. Checks the level of professional training of teachers for an inclusive educational environment for the object chosen by the authors. As a result, the competencies necessary for the professional training of a teacher for an inclusive educational environment are determined. Identification of competencies and knowledge of the ways of their formation in the formation of professional training of teachers leads to great results.


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