Kimya Derslerinde Durumsal Görevlerin Öğrencilerin Evrensel Eğitim Eylemlerini Oluşturmanın Bir Aracı Olarak Kullanılması

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  • D.A. Muratova Khoja Akhmet Yassawi International Kazakh-Turkish University
  • A.K. Mamyrbekova Khoja Akhmet Yassawi International Kazakh-Turkish University

Anahtar Kelimeler:

school, chemistry course, situational tasks, method, applied experiment.


When situational tasks in chemistry are used in the educational process, universal educational action is formed – the ability to conduct research work. Each situational task compiled by a student can be considered as a mini research project. When drawing up such tasks, students learn to set goals and outline ways to implement them (regulatory universal educational actions). When working with situational tasks, school students learn to apply subject knowledge in non-standard situations close to real life. Therefore, an increase in the level of success in working with situational tasks leads to an increase in the level of formation of this universal educational action. The analysis of the results of the ascertaining stage of the study indicates the predominance of reproductive and partially search levels of students' ability to work with information (information competence), as well as a low level of success in working with situational tasks and, accordingly, a low level of formation of communicative competence. The analysis of the results obtained by us in the control and experimental groups at the ascertaining and formative stages of experimental work allows us to conclude that the formation of universal educational actions of students proceeds more effectively when implementing a structural and functional model of the formation of universal educational actions of students through the use of situational tasks in chemistry in the educational process.


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