The Alans' Entry into the Historical Arena

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  • M. Zholseitova Khoja Akhmet Yassawi International Kazakh-Turkish University
  • A. Tаshagil Yeditepe University
  • K. Baimagambetov Khoja Akhmet Yassawi International Kazakh-Turkish University

Anahtar Kelimeler:

Sarmatian, alans, vandal, hun, Europe, goth, Rome.


The article examines the political history of the Alan tribe, which is part of the Sarmatian-Sauromatian tribal union. The Alans were the most numerous and powerful of the Sarmatian tribes, they took part in many political events while advancing to Europe.This article comprehensively covers such events as their military conflicts with Rome in the Northern Black Sea region, on the eastern border of Rome, the political situation that developed with the arrival of the Huns, the further displacement of the Alans to the west, their political activities in cooperation with such tribes as the Huns, Vandals, Ostrogoths, their movements by Vandals to France, Spain and then to North Africa.

As it can be seen that the history of the Alans is very extensive, looking at the mentioned territories and political events, the history of the Alans does not stop there. Because, even after the mentioned events, they managed to stay on the pages of history for a long time. The Alans retained their ethnic group even during the late Khaganates and before the Mongol era in the XIII century, and until then they have not lost their political activity. And since it is impossible to fully cover such an extensive history, it is for this reason that this article highlights the period of the history of the Alans, when they first entered the political arena.


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