"Man" halkı (tarihsel ve etnososyolojik analiz)

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  • O. Nuskabaev Khoja Akhmet Yassawi International Kazakh-Turkish University

Anahtar Kelimeler:

Mang ethnonym, eruption of volcanoes, migration-settlement processes, Median state, «Scythian» ethnonym, «german» ethnonym, origin of ethnonyms, «Nokhoi» (Nogai) ethnonym, «Mangit» ethnonym, concept of «Mang hand» – concept, ethnonym of «mangkol».


DNA-genealogical analyzes proved with consistent evidence that the ethnogenesis formation of peoples of original Turkic origin is very deep. Among the peoples of Turkic origin there is also the Man people.

From the very beginning, the Mangs were seen as merciless, cruel and warlike people. They instigated the creation of dozens of states in the regions which they conquered. It was the reason for the emergence and termination of many new ethnic structures.

Based on the data, which is introduced into the scientific circulation for the first time, the article describes how several states in the Middle East and other regions of the world ended before the conquest of the territories. As a result of the harmonious organization and organization of the rulers of Mang, how those states flourished and prospered is clarified in the framework of fresh factual information.

It is explained how the concept of «Scythian» stabilized in the language of the European peoples as a result of the warlike campaigns of the Mongols to the north-west, and the reason for the emergence of the ethnonym «German» is justified.

In the context of ancient Chinese information, the establishment of the early world state of Nogai, the Manchurians who were part of that state, adding the suffix -gyt to the ethnonym of the Manchurians, and replacing them with the concept of «mangyt» and their army with the concept of «hand» in their own language, is analyzed on the basis of specific written data. Later, the history of the concept of «mang kol» – the reason why it became the ethnonym «mangkol» will be differentiated.


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