Language Tools in Boris Akunin's Novel «The Turkish Gambit»

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  • Seidullayeva G.A. International Educational Corporation
  • Klimenko I.S. Hoca Ahmet Yesevi Uluslararası Kazak Türk Üniversitesi
  • Kenzhitaeva Zh.L. S. Seifullin Kazakh Agro Technical University

Anahtar Kelimeler:

mass literature, detective story, language means, project, narrative strategies.


This article attempts to trace the genre motivation of the choice of linguistic means of different levels (lexico-semantic, morphological, syntactic) to express information and plot collisions of a modern Russian detective novel based on the work of B. Akunin («Turkish Gambit»). The hypothesis of the study is that in literary discourse, the nature and structure of the narrative, as well as the choice of lexical units by the author are determined by the belonging of the work to a particular genre. It also attempts to prove that the writer's project about Erast Fandorin is a product of mass culture. The novel «Turkish Gambit» is analyzed in terms of the use of linguistic means in it, in particular, lexical-semantic and grammatical ones. Methods of linguistic observation and component analysis are used. It is concluded that the features of a detective novel motivate the author's choice of lexico-semantic (military terminology, archaic vocabulary, exoticisms, corporate vocabulary) and grammatical means (active use of various forms of the verb, prepositions of direction, specific nouns, the dominance of simple and complex sentences of minimal structure). The results of the study can be used in the school practice of in-depth program study of the novel «Turkish Gambit».


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