The Concept of Personality in the Novel «Final Respects (Songy paryz)» A. Nurpeisov

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  • Samenkyzy U. L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University
  • Turysbek R. L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University
  • Fedakar Selami Ege University

Anahtar Kelimeler:

the artistic concept of personality, connection with life, subjectivity and accumulation, author, artistic image.


Not limited to the genre, the structure of the work and the ideological content in the study of man and related issues in the science of modern literature, the artistic concept of personality is also widely considered. The article analyzes the artistic concept of personality in the novel-dilogy of the outstanding figure of modern Kazakh literature A. Nurpeisov «Final respects» («Songy paryz»). Undoubtedly, the author occupies a «dominant» place both in the performance of the work, and in its plot-compositional structure, and in the peculiarities of the language. However, according to the terms of the work of art, it is a natural phenomenon that the entire author's position of the writer is assigned to the main character. The article emphasizes this condition when learning the artistic concept of personality. In the novel based on the flow of thought, the psychological conflict between Jadiger-Bakizat-Azim is not measured only by personal values, but continues with the problem of the Aral Sea in the 60–80s of the twentieth century. The impact of an ecological catastrophe on humanity and the backlash of nature to human abuse are especially vividly depicted in the novel along with the plight of fishermen led by Jadiger. Dedication and responsibility, boundless love for the native land are the values that bind the personalities of the author–Jadiger-Elaman («Blood and Sweat» trilogy). Intolerance to excessive harm and blindness are their common positions. The desire of the heroes to self-knowledge in difficult times, their own attitude to life and strong bonds, as well as the place of a person in society found an artistic solution in the destinies of the heroes. The image of the sea in the novel performed chronotopic and accumulative functions. The originality of the artistic time is individualized. Critical moments on the border between life and death not only reveal the human individuality of the characters, but also make changes in their understanding of life. Such artistic features of the novel are taken as an object of analysis.


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