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  • TAGUDRETOVA B.B. L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University
  • AYAN EKREM Mugla Sytki Kochman University

Anahtar Kelimeler:

literary style, author's narrative, character’s speech, language skills, author's neologism, linguistic usage.


The article shows the artistic purpose and aesthetic, cognitive functions of the use of dialect, obsolete words and neologisms (author's neologisms) in Markhabat Baigut’s works, and their specific stylistic features are determined by examples. On the basis of the writer's works, the place of language usages, which are the subject of research, in the general Kazakh literature and writer's creativity is determined. Markhabat Baigut often talks about his characters not because of their origin, wealth, or career, but because of their morality, conscience, spiritual and moral harmony, individual qualities, and character traits.

This is a unique aspect of the writer's skill. The writer skillfully and comprehensively uses the lexical wealth of the common language. It is proven that the writer used dialect words to describe people's living conditions, to show more clearly the spiritual and cultural skills unique to a certain region, and to depict the true nature of ordinary people. During the analysis of the old words used by the writer, who found a shortcut to convey the truth to his students without any coloring, in detail, in natural state, the credo of the author is revealed, which glorifies the national value and supports the renewal of the old.

The meanings of historical and archaic words with a predominant stylistic color are revealed, and their artistic function and content load are analyzed. Apart from the neologisms that entered our language with the breath of the times, the order of use and expressive tone of author's new words are described in a broad way. As a result, it is proved that the lexical groups found in the language of the character, in the author's narrative, play an important role in explaining the individual characteristics of the master’s style.


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