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  • KURBAN А.M. Hoca Ahmet Yesevi Uluslararası Kazak Türk Üniversitesi
  • DUISEMBEKOVA Z.M. Hoca Ahmet Yesevi Uluslararası Kazak Türk Üniversitesi

Anahtar Kelimeler:

toponymy, phytotoponym, culture, geographical names, etymology, plants, English language, Kazakh language.


The significance of place-naming is one of the most essential components of any nation's history. Phytotoponyms, or toponyms named after plant names, represent people's economic and cultural activities, as well as the national-linguistic community's value system and worldview. The purpose of the article was to investigate and compare the etymological aspects of English and Kazakh phytotoponyms. For the study 63 phytotoponyms from the United Kingdom and 57 phytotoponyms from Kazakhstan were chosen through selective sample. To do so, an etymological method was utilized to define the structure of words, their origin, and meaning, as well as a comparative method to compare the phytotoponyms of the two languages.

The research used primary sources by employing a questionnaire to choose and obtain insight into Kazakh place-name meanings and locations of origin, as well as secondary materials from etymological books and dictionaries of toponyms. To check the authenticity of the Kazakh toponyms' origins, 98 volunteers (83 females, 15 men) from various areas of Kazakhstan were recruited by purposeful sampling. The differences were found in 1) history and origin, 2) word structure, and 3) deceptive names of English language, which did not correlate with the meaning of the toponyms, while the similarities were found in 1) word-formation, 2) descriptive names, the meanings of which can be understood from the first glance, and 3) motivational similarity in the names of toponyms.


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