The Effectiveness of Using Integrated Steam Methods in Teaching Genetics

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  • Zhoshibekova B.S. Kazakh National Women's Pedagogical University
  • Ramazanova А.А. Kazakh National Women's Pedagogical University
  • Tukibayeva B.A. Nazarbayev Intellectual School of Physics and Mathematics

Anahtar Kelimeler:

genetics, STEM, integration, problem-based learning method, creative matrix.


Integrated STEM is considered a new trend of knowledge, complemented by new methods, digital technologies in teaching genetics to modern students. The introduction of integrated STEM methods into the teaching of genetics can become a problem for teachers due to lack of experience. Thus, the purpose of this study is to determine and test the optimality of integrated STEM learning in teaching genetics. The study discusses integrated STEAM training based on mixed methods. The study discusses integrated STEM learning based on mixed methods of Game Based learning (PBL), Problem-based learning (PBL), Creative matrix methods. The study involved 2 groups of students. Each group consisted of experimental and control groups of 23 people. The teaching methodology is organized according to the section "Variability and mutation", which is presented in the syllabus of the discipline 6B01509-Biology 3 course "Fundamentals of genetics and breeding". Students' knowledge was tested by comparing two groups using the Geniventure game, solving genetic problems and a creative matrix. The results showed higher academic performance of students who used integrated STEM learning than the traditional method. Therefore, integrated STEM learning based on Game Based learning (GBL), Problem-based learning (PBL), and creative matrix methods has become an effective method in education and has been able to positively affect the quality and results of student learning.


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Adkins S.J., Rock R.K., Morris J.J. Interdisciplinary STEM education reform: dishing out art in a microbiology laboratory // FEMS microbiology letters. – 2018. – Vol. 365. – №1. – P. 245–253.

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Sanders M.E. Stem, stem education, stemmania. – 2008. – Vol.1. – P. 53–61.

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Sirajudin N. et al. Developing creativity through STEM education // Journal of Physics: Conference Series. – IOP Publishing. – 2021. – Vol. 1806. – №1. – P. 012211.

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Cooper M.M. et al. Challenge faculty to transform STEM learning // Science. – 2015. – T. 350. – №6258. – S. 281–282.

Rachmatullah A. et al. Modeling secondary students’ genetics learning in a game-based environment: integrating the expectancy-value theory of achievement motivation and flow theory // Journal of Science Education and Technology. – 2021. – Vol. 30. – №4. – P. 511–528

Pho A., Dinscore A. Game-based learning // Tips and trends. – 2015. – T. 2.

Savery J.R. Overview of problem-based learning: Definitions and distinctions // Essential readings in problem-based learning: Exploring and extending the legacy of Howard S. Barrows. – 2015. – Vol. 9. – №2. – P. 5–15.

