Alash Lideri A. Baitursynuly'nin Kazak Dilinin Seslerinin Sınıflandırılmasına İlişkin Bilimsel Sonuçları

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  • Soltanbekova A.A. Institute of Linguistics named after Akhmet Baitursunuly
  • Sherieva G.T. Hoca Ahmet Yesevi Uluslararası Kazak Türk Üniversitesi
  • Satkenova Zh.B. Al-Farabi Kazakh National University

Anahtar Kelimeler:

Kazakh writing, consonant sound, phoneme, system of sounds of the Kazakh language, spelling, writing, Akhmet Baitursynuly.


The article will consider the scientific conclusions of A.Baitursynuly on how common sounds are created in the Kazakh language, spelling, spelling, correct spelling of sounds in the history of writing. It is noted that in the period from 1910 to 1927, the linguistic techniques used to designate the classification of consonant sounds, the order of their arrangement, the phonemic meaning of each sound, the results of a complete reform of the sound system were defined in the works “Til – kural”, “Oku kuraly”, “Til zhumsar”.

It is also noted that A. Baitursynuly dedicated a symbol based on Arabic graphics to Kazakh sounds, not resembling the Arabic national letter and spoken language. It says that the goal is not to fundamentally resemble Arabic, not to fully penetrate into speech, to create a Kazakh national alphabetic system dedicated not only to the consonant, but also to the vowel.

Based on the works “Til – kural”, “Oku kuraly”, “Sauat ashkysh”, “Til zhumsar” published since 1912, it was found that the scientist accidentally did not apply the system of consonant sounds to words ending in a consonant, based on the lines of synhormonism, assimilation, dissimilation, guided by the phonetic principle in the construction of the Arabic Kazakh alphabet and spelling.

It is noted that the statement of A. Baitursynuly as a scientist, as a linguist about the sound features of the Kazakh language as “sound units that distinguish the lexical, morphemic meanings of each sound” hints at the concept of phoneme in modern linguistics. It is scientifically analyzed that in order to determine the sound specificity, structure, method of creation, phonemic meaning of consonant sounds k, k, g, g, w, with the help of oral hollow organs, auditory, speech moments, a system of sound sounds is determined.

The practical significance of the conclusions formulated in the article is relevant for linguists, Akhmetologists, literary critics and other readers.


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