Features of Formations of Stable Phrases with the Words “Three”, “Four”, “Five” in Turkology

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  • N. Koshanova Khoja Akhmet Yassawi International Kazakh-Turkish University
  • Zh. Yergubekova Khoja Akhmet Yassawi International Kazakh-Turkish University

Anahtar Kelimeler:

Turkology, stable phrases, numerals, etymology of numerals, etymology of stable phrases.


The meaning of stable expressions of a language is often understandable to a person who speaks that language. However, the form and content are not always clear even to those who know their native language. After all, constant phrases, proverbs-sayings are the fruits of a long era. The semantic, symbolic nature of the reading in the composition of stable phrases and proverbs of languages, as well as the reason for their use in the composition of stable phrases take many incomprehensible moments for people.
The fate of the language is connected with the history of the nation. Customs, traditions, social status, cultural level of the people are reflected in the language of this people. Due to the fact that the formation of numerals as part of stable expressions in our language is a historical category, we can say linguistic data reflecting the realities of life, customs, economic, living conditions of past eras.
Stable expressions occupy a special place in Kazakh linguistics. By their nature, phraseological units are studied lexically, etymologically, morphologically, syntactically, stylistically, cognitively. However, there are many points that have yet to be explored. One of them is numerals as part of stable phrases in Kazakh language, the definition of their semantic, etymological, stylistic, grammatical aspects. The specificity of the topic that becomes the


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